All information provided in this document (hereinafter referred to as "this information") is based on the creation date of this document. REDX Project (hereinafter referred to as "the issuer") does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy or completeness of this information at the time of creation or in the future.
The issuer assumes no responsibility, including compensation for damages, even if the recipient of this information incurs damage from using this information.
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The issuer may change this information without notice in consultation with relevant authorities and other concerned parties.
The purpose of this white paper is to globally present the details of the REDX project and to enhance understanding of its appeal and technical specifications and does not constitute an offer to purchase, hold, or trade REDX, nor is it a prospectus. Please be aware that the cryptocurrency REDX may not be available for use on cryptocurrency exchanges that are not registered with the cryptocurrency exchange services in your region or country, even after being listed on such exchanges.
Last updated