Current challenges faced by Web3 and the Web3 solutions we provide at RED X form the foundation for driving our projects based on the following VISION and MISSION.


RED X will

"Build Bridges of Enthusiasm Across the Globe."

The brand-new entertainment economic sphere, that empower captivating entertainment IP content to soar worldwide.

We aim to establish a new platform that "matches fans with IP content globally," building the next-generation entertainment economy with this vision.


In the global entertainment industry, we harness Web3 technology to enhance transparency, accessibility, and participant engagement, thereby creating a more equitable and sustainable digital entertainment ecosystem.

  1. Improved reliability of the Web3 project

    RED X establishes a sustainable business model through concrete commercial activities and real-world operations. It generates actual profits and provides clear value to all stakeholders involved in the project. By complying with all laws in every business activity and closely cooperating with regulatory authorities, it minimizes legal risks. Additionally, by enhancing operational transparency, it earns the trust of investors and users.

  2. UI/UX innovation

    To achieve true mass adoption, design Web3 application interfaces to be simple and intuitive, making them easily accessible to non-technical users. Enhance user support and educational programs to promote understanding and adoption of Web3 technologies.

  3. Promoting global participation (a situation that everyone can enjoy and participate in)

    To enable cross-border participation, we will strengthen multilingual support and intercultural communication. We aim to reduce access barriers from a global perspective, connecting creators and consumers worldwide.

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