RED X Wallet

RED X Wallet at the heart of all services

RED X connects all services through a Non-Custodial Wallet.

RED X wallet is a non-custodial wallet that retains the RED X Identity. Naturally, it supports holding coins, tokens, and NFTs. Additionally, it has a noteworthy feature that integrates NFTs with NFC/QR codes.

  1. Retention of token coins

    We primarily use the TON protocol and also support EVM protocol and BTC. For tokens on the EVM protocol, when tokens are received on the upper-level EVM, we send notifications, such as push notifications, to inform the user. There is no need for users to add protocols themselves.

  2. Retention of NFTs

    TON supports NFTs. It also supports EVM NFTs. When you receive an NFT on EVM, you’ll get a push notification, just like with tokens. There’s no need for contract addresses or ID registration.

  3. NFC/QR code compatible

    By selecting the corresponding NFT, it can be used as an admission ticket through NFC/QR codes. NFTs can also be distributed as tickets for exclusive services and events.

  4. Token Swap

    The feature includes token swap functionality between supported protocols. It allows swapping commonly used EVM protocol tokens to TON and tokens on the TON chain.

  5. Web3 Connect/Chrome Extension

    Adding Web3 connectivity features to both the smartphone and Chrome Extension versions. This will seamlessly connect with the expanding RED X Journey services and can be used as your main wallet, replacing Metamask.

  6. Token Claims

    By holding a specific NFT, users can receive tokens through a token claim process. The issuance of NFTs can be carried out via the NFT Connect mentioned later. Distributing NFTs can help expand the user base of Token Mix.

  7. REZ

    RED X Journey Wallet Points are used for events and e-commerce services, offering entertainment-focused benefits. REZ can also be swapped with REDX, providing the dual enjoyment of use and ownership.

    *Note: Due to legal regulations, exchanges in some countries and regions may be one-directional only.

  8. Staking

    Staking of the REDX and tokens from the collaborative projects mentioned later is possible. Staking in the RED X Journey not only allows you to earn profits from the tokens but also gives you advantages in the game and serves as a hook to experience exclusive goods and services.

Last updated
