REDX Identity
Web3 identity tied to the REDX base wallet.
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Web3 identity tied to the REDX base wallet.
Last updated
Even so, it is not the kind of thing that collects user information often seen in Web2 for marketing purposes. The world of Web3 that we advocate is, unfortunately, currently filled with fraud and deception. Wallet addresses can be generated endlessly, and they are merely highly unreadable encrypted strings. We aim to add humanity and a bit of humor to that.
The Ethereum Virtual Machine(EVM) is a groundbreaking technology that has expanded blockchain worldwide, and NFT domains were released carrying the expectations of people. However, as of 2024, they are not commonly used technologies in the Web3 world. As you know, Metamask allows nicknames, but they are used only locally to recognize your own address.
REDX Identity makes transactions between you and your friends easier by setting a unique ID within the REDX world. Additionally, within the concept of TEAM REDX, it secures your identity on the blockchain as "someone identifiable but not specifically known." This prevents the creation of multiple accounts by mass-producing wallets. Moreover, it proves the existence of "someone" on the blockchain without requiring personal information.
Based on TON, we utilize the as base chain, leveraging their robust technological capabilities to ensure security and validate unique IDs. These IDs are fully decentralized and exist on the blockchain as personal identifiers, which are used for identity verification in REDX Journey. The technical underpinning of our REDX Identity is supported by the TON Society ID.
Telegram ID: In addition to the user ID, if available, linking the Telegram ID allows it to be associated with ID in the Web3 group on Telegram.
Asset Visibility in Wallet: Users can configure the visibility of assets in their wallet both during and after the creation of their identity.
NFT Profile Picture: Your profile picture can be set using an NFT in your wallet (required).
Wallet Address: In addition to the TON address, EVM wallet addresses can also be registered (required).
User ID: A unique username used for REDX Journey (required).